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Course Prerequisites

Many courses at 赌钱app可以微信提现 are designed to provide progressive learning of a subject. These subjects require that courses be taken in a specific sequence. To view the prerequisite courses required for the course you wish to enroll in, view the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Course Catalog.

If you have completed the prerequisite coursework at another college, you will need to have your coursework reviewed before you can enroll in the next course in sequence. If you wish to transfer your prior coursework to 赌钱app可以微信提现 to allow it to count toward your 赌钱app可以微信提现 degree, you must submit your official transcript to Admissions. 

Submit official transcript

If you do not wish to transfer your coursework, you may seek a prerequisite waiver by uploading an unofficial transcript for review. Submitting an unofficial transcript will result in a one-time prerequisite waiver for the course requested.

Please note that your prerequisite waiver is only valid for one semester. If your waiver request is approved but you don't end up enrolling in the class, you will need to fill out a new waiver request to take the course in a future semester.

Upload unofficial college transcript

Course Placement

Some courses at 赌钱app可以微信提现 require placement prior to enrollment. This helps measure your competency in the subject area so you can start with the course that best fits your level of skill. There are multiple ways you can meet these placement requirements. See placement requirements for English, Math, and Reading below.

If English is not your native language, you may need to schedule an Accuplacer test to determine your potential need for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses or upload documents proving you have met English language proficiency. 

Visit the ESL Placement Practices page to upload required documents

All other students should follow placement options below.

If English is not your native language, you may need to demonstrate readiness for college-level coursework in English. Go to ESL Placement for more information about placement.  All other students should follow the placement options below. ACT , SAT, and Accuplacer Reading scores expire 5 years after the testing date and will no longer be valid for placement.

COLL College Success
For placement assistance contact Valerie Mann at

ENGL 098 – Writing Strategies
ACT English score of 12 or higher, or high school GPA of 1.6 – 2.19, or ACCUPLACER writing score of 226 or higher.

ENGL 099 – Intro to Writing
ACT English score of 15 or higher, or high school GPA of 2.2 – 2.99,  or ACCUPLACER writing score of 240 or higher.

ENGL 119-College Composition I with Review
ACT English score of 15 or higher, or cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 2.2 -2.99, or ACCUPLACER writing score of 240 or higher.

ENGL 121 – Composition I

  • 3.0 or higher high school cumulative unweighted GPA; OR
  • 2.7 or higher high school cumulative unweighted GPA AND B (not B-) or higher in most recent high school English course
  • ACT Reading score of 18 or higher AND ACT English score of 18 or higher; OR
  • ACT Reading score of 16 and higher AND ACT English score of 16 or higher AND B (not B-) or higher in most recent high school English course; OR
  •  SAT ERW (Evidence-based Reading AND Writing) score of 500 or higher; OR
  •  ACCUPLACER Reading score of 255 or higher AND ACCUPLACER Writing score of 255 or higher.

ENGL 121H – Honors Composition I
ACT English score of 25 or higher, or high school GPA of 3.5 or higher, or ACCUPLACER writing score of 276 or higher.

ACT and Accuplacer Reading scores expire 5 years after the testing date and will no longer be valid for placement.

COLL College Success
For placement assistance contact Valerie Mann at

RDG 096 Academic Reading (3 hours)
High School GPA 1.6-2.79 or ACCUPLACER reading score of 220-249, or ACCUPLACER ESL score of 102 or higher.

RDG 120 Reading Effectively Across Disciplines (1 hour)
High School GPA 2.8-2.99 or ACCUPLACER reading score of 250 or higher.

RDG 127 College Reading Strategies (3 hours)
Cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 or higher, or ACCUPLACER reading score of 255 or higher. 

College Reading Readiness
Some courses require you to show reading readiness to enroll. You may satisfy this requirement with one of the following:

  • Successful completion of RDG 096 or RDG 120
  • Successful completion of College Composition I with Review (ENGL 119)
  • Successful completion of Composition I (ENGL 121) or Composition II (ENGL 122)
  • ACCUPLACER reading test score of 255 or higher
  • ACT reading sub score of 19 or higher
  • ACCUPLACER-ESL (English as a Second Language) test score of 115 or higher
  • Unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 or greater

ACT, SAT, and ALEKS PPL scores expire two years after the testing date and will no longer be valid for placement. Algebra II equivalent course or higher must be taken in the last two years to be used for placement. 

MATH 011- Fundamentals of Math
Score of 0 or higher on ALEKS PPL test

MATH 014 – Accelerated Prep for College Algebra
Score of 25 or higher on ALEKS PPL test

MATH 015 – Elementary Algebra
Score of 14 or higher on ALEKS PPL test

MATH 116 – Intermediate Algebra
ACT math score of 20 or higher, or score of 30 or higher on ALEKS PPL test

Math 118 – Geometry
Score of 30 or higher on ALEKS PPL test or score of 520 or higher on SAT math test

MATH 120 – Business Math
Score of 14 or higher on ALEKS PPL test

MATH 130 – Technical Mathematics I
Score of 14 or higher on ALEKS PPL test

Math 151 - Contemporary Mathematics with concurrent enrollment in Math 051-Contemporary Mathematics Support Course

  • ACT math score of 1 or higher OR
  • Score of 1 or higher on ALEKS PPL test OR
  • SAT math score of 200 or higher

Math 151 - Contemporary Mathematics

  • ACT math score of 19 or higher OR
  • Score of 30 or higher on ALEKS PPL test OR
  • SAT math score of 510 or higher
  • High school GPA of 3.00 AND a grade of C- or higher in the final semester of Algebra II equivalent course or higher 

Math 161 – Elementary Statistics with concurrent enrollment in Math 061-Elementary Statistics Support Course

  • ACT math score of 1 or higher OR
  • Score of 1 or higher on ALEKS PPL test OR
  • SAT math score of 200 or higher

Math 161 - Elementary Statistics

  • ACT math score of 19 or higher OR
  • Score of 30 or higher on ALEKS PPL test OR
  • SAT math score of 510 or higher
  • High school GPA of 3.00 AND a grade of C- or higher in the final semester of Algebra II equivalent course or higher

Math 171-College Algebra with concurrent enrollment in MATH 071-College Algebra Support Course

  • ACT math score of 1 or higher OR
  • Score of 1 or higher on ALEKS PPL test OR
  • SAT math score of 200 or higher

MATH 171 - College Algebra

  • ACT math score of 22 or higher OR
  • Score of 46 or higher on ALEKS PPL test OR
  • SAT math score of 540 or higher OR
  • High school GPA of 3.25 AND a grade of B or higher in the final semester of Algebra II equivalent course or higher OR
  • High school GPA of 3.25 AND ACT math score of 20 or 21 OR
  • High school GPA of 3.25 AND score of 42 or higher on ALEKS PPL test OR
  • High school GPA of 3.25 AND SAT math score of 520 or higher

MATH 172 – Trigonometry
ACT math score of 23 or higher, or score of 61 or higher on ALEKS PPL test, or SAT math score of 560 or higher

MATH 173 – Precalculus
ACT math score of 22 or higher, or score of 46 or higher on ALEKS PPL test, or SAT math score of 540 or higher

MATH 175 – Discrete Math
ACT math score of 23 or higher, or score of 61 or higher on ALEKS PPL test, or SAT math score of 560 or higher

MATH 191 – Math and Physics for Games I
ACT math score of 23 or higher, or score of 61 or higher on ALEKS PPL test, or AP test score of 3 or higher on Precalculus exam, or SAT math score of 560 or higher AND grade of C or higher in GAME 121

Math 201- Statistics
ACT math score of 23 or higher, or score of 61 or higher on ALEKS PPL test, or AP test score of 3 or higher on Precalculus exam, or SAT math score of 560 or higher

MATH 231 – Business and Applied Calculus I
ACT math score of 23 or higher, or score of 61 or higher on ALEKS PPL test, or AP test score of 3 or higher on Precalculus exam, or SAT math score of 560 or higher

MATH 232 – Business and Applied Calculus II
ACT math score of 28 or higher, or AP test score of 3 on AB or BC exam, or AB subscore on BC exam

MATH 241 – Calculus I
ACT math score of 28 or higher, or score of 76 or higher on ALEKS PPL test, or AP test score of 3 or higher on Precalculus exam, , or SAT math score of 660 or higher

MATH 242 – Calculus II
AP test score of 3 on AB or BC exam, or AB subscore on BC exam

MATH 243 – Calculus III
AP test score of 3 on BC exam

MATH 285 – Business Statistics
AP test score of 3 on AB or BC exam, or AB subscore on BC exam

If you took the math Accuplacer assessment within the last two years and have questions about course placement, contact Academic Counseling.

If you meet the placement requirements:

Upload your placement documentation (e.g., ACT score report, AP test score, high school transcript for GPA requirement, etc.). Documentation submitted must include your first and last name. In 1-2 business days, an email will be sent to your My赌钱app可以微信提现 email address to confirm your placement waiver has been entered and you will not need to take the placement assessment. You will still need to enroll in the 赌钱app可以微信提现 class after your waiver is entered.

Upload test scores

Upload high school transcript

If you do not meet the placement requirements:

Schedule an appointment for placement testing.

Schedule placement assessment